Five-layer pipes: The five-layer pipes from Arsin Pipe consist of a middle layer of aluminum, which acts as the backbone of the pipe, and two layers of special polymer (PEX & PERT) forming the inner and outer layers. These layers are bonded with two polymer adhesive layers using the most advanced technology, creating a coherent, complete, and flawless system with an excellent structure made of metal and polymer. These pipes are unique in their advantages and diverse in their applications.


codesizeThe length of each coil
2110016200 m
2110120150 m
2110225100 m
211033260 m
21104405 m
21105505 m
21106635 m

Thermal Conductivity: (within insulation materials)W/mc0.43
Longitudinal Expansion Coefficient: (within metal pipes)m/mc0.026
Operational Temperature for Continuous Use:c95
Operational Pressure at 95 Degrees Celsiusbar10
Oxygen Permeabilitymg/10
Roughness Coefficientmm0.04
Break Point Pressurebar70-80